Plant Science Industry Commends Governments Supporting the International Statement on Agricultural Applications of Precision Biotechnology

Brussels — 5 November 2018

CropLife International welcomes the joint International Statement on Agricultural Applications of Precision Biotechnology, endorsed by 14 governments and regional bodies, released at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Committee on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, which shows their support for precision biotechnology and gene editing. The plant science industry applauds these governments for their commitment to science- and risk-based and harmonized regulatory approaches and to working collaboratively to minimize trade disruptions. CropLife International encourages additional governments to endorse this statement in support of science and agricultural innovation.

“The plant science industry commends those governments, across developed and developing countries, for endorsing the International Statement on Agricultural Applications of Precision Biotechnology and their commitment to science-based, innovation-enabling regulatory frameworks,” said Howard Minigh, president and CEO of CropLife International. “A globally harmonized approach to precision biotechnology will ensure the timely and predictable introduction of safe and sustainable agricultural products to the marketplace, while minimizing trade disruptions.”

Precision biotechnology, including gene editing, is another tool that will further enable plant breeders to address global challenges such as food and nutrition security, help farmers adapt to and mitigate climate change conditions, and protect the environment, natural resources, and biodiversity.

“We support these 14 governments and regional bodies in this call to work together to ensure agricultural innovation reaches farmers and consumers,” said Minigh. “Today’s farmers worldwide need access to many different technologies and plant breeding tools to help feed our growing population in a sustainable way.”

Countries and organizations supporting the statement, to date, are: Argentina, which led this effort, as well as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jordan, Paraguay, the United States, Uruguay, Vietnam and the Secretariat of the Economic Community of West African States.

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